Being a single mum is tough. I would put it at the top of my list of 'things that almost broke me'.
From 6 weeks old I was the sole carer for my son, until he went to childcare at 11 months I changed every nappy, gave every feed, wiped every tear, woke every time he did... you get the point.
I know this can also be the case for duo parents but I never had the support, the relief at the end of the day that people talk about when their partner comes home and takes over for an hour. What I would have done for an hour of help a day!!
Now this is no pity party, it has made me appreciate myself so much more, my abilities and drive to do pretty much anything I set my mind to. I didn't always feel this way and I felt hopeless and lost many days. It defiantly got easier as my son got older and we got to know each other and form a routine.
After months of struggling, feeling burnt out and taking no time for myself I did some reading and made a list of things I would do for myself. Things I could do throughout the day around taking care of my son.
So here are my top 5 tips that EVERYONE can benefit from and implement right now!!(be open minded some of it might seem a bit unorthodox).
Drink water. Yes broken record we hear this all the time but its so easy to over look, it seems too simple a thing to actually make a difference right? The body is largely made up of water and it is a crucial element to your health and well being. Your body needs water to function, from delivering oxygen, aiding digestion, lubricating joints to boosting skin health and beauty. I place several glasses of water around my house in places I hangout a lot. On the coffee table, in the kitchen and the dinning table (yes all food related) this just reminds me to drink.
Self appreciation. Take a few minutes in the day to remind yourself how truly fantastic you are. I normally do this whist putting some makeup on. You can write it down, speak it out loud or just think it. Tell yourself you are an amazing parent, you are beautiful, smart, resourceful, strong, people like you and so on. Repeat daily and eventually you start to see your strengths again and really appreciate who you are and how far you have come.
Do something you enjoy just for you. This could be a face mask once a week, your favorite snack and cup of coffee, reading a few pages of a book while baby's napping anything. Its rare to put yourself first these days and something so simple can really lift your mood and remind you you are a person not just a mum or dad and you deserve every free second you get to be about you!!
Exercise. Depending on your level of fitness this could be a walk or it could be a crazy HIIT workout. Exercise has been proven to effectively lift your mood, reduce anxiety, stress and boost mental and physical energy. Loosing any baby weight is just an added bonus if this is something you want to do. The good news is no gym needed, you can workout from home with your baby right next to you. I generally use YouTube videos 3-4 times a week that consist of 15-20 minutes of exercise, the hardest part is convincing yourself to start! and yes you will get interrupted by your children wanting your attention I just use my son as extra weight or alternatively wait until nap time.
Start a gratitude journal. We often over look the small things and focus on the negative aspects of life, a gratitude journal is simply a good way to keep track of good things in your life. Some people do this at the start of the day others at the end. I write down at least 5 things I am grateful for. It could be eating your favorite meal, the sun being out or the chat you had with a friend. Researchers found that those who kept gratitude journals reported feeling happier, had improved sleep and a greater connection to others.
Slowly these things can become part of your regular routine and I can vouch that they really do change your mood and I certainly feel more motivated than I did prior to implementing these steps. I sleep better at night, I have more patience and I feel happier and more in control again.
What do you do to lift your mood? let me know in the comments